Flowering Lotus Meditation and Retreat Center is dedicated to helping people transform their lives through the meditative process. We believe that an awareness of the true nature of life opens the gates to living life fuller. We embrace the teachings of the historical Buddha.
This is the path described by the Buddha as the way to rid ourselves of all suffering.
1. Right or Wise View: Knowledge of the cause and origin of suffering.
2. Right or Wise Intention: Intent to rid oneself of ill-will, cruelty and craving.
3. Right or Wise Speech: Engaging in constructive speech and avoiding harsh, malicious speech and idle chatter.
4. Right or Wise Action: Abstaining from killing living beings, abstaining from taking what is not given, and abstaining from sexual misconduct.
5 Right or Wise Livelihood: Abandoning wrong livelihood and engaging in right livelihood.
6. Right or Wise Effort: Strenuous zeal for maintaining wholesome states of mind.
7. Right or Wise Mindfulness: Contemplates regarding the body as body, feelings as feelings, mind as mind and mind-objects as mind-objects.
8. Right or Wise Concentration: Upon relinquishing unwholesome states of mind and body, is able to abide in sustained thought states accompanied by sensations of bliss.