Scholarship Opportunity: Center of Being with James Brinson
Sat, Aug 20
|Online via Zoom
Saturday, August 20th, 10am-6pm

Time & Location
Aug 20, 2022, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM CDT
Online via Zoom
About the Event
About the Event
Join us as we explore the different aspects of Being. In life an individual may wear several "hats" and perform many roles. What is the elemental thread present in each connection and activity? What are ways to connect with Universal Presence in any moment or event? Create space and setting to discover, dance, play, and explore the Center of Being.
Within the retreat we will utilize the techniques of inquiry, reflection, and meditation to deepen, connect, and flower our personal states of Being. "I am overjoyed to co-create this experience." - James Editor B.
Teacher Bio
James Editor Brinson is an author, meditation facilitator, and founder of the NOLA Meditation Group. As a New Orleans native, James's spiritual path and practice is influenced by multiple traditions and lineages. He has been facilitating meditation and transformational workshops within the New Orleans and surrounding areas since 2013. He is currently a Retreat Assistant with the Circle of Sacred Nature and Meditation Assistant with the Y.E.A.H. (Youth Empowerment and Healing) Yoga organization. His experience and studies include becoming a Trainer with and traveling to Oneness University (now Ekam Oneness Field), a spiritual school for awakening in India; the Law of Attraction as shared by Abraham Hicks; Kemetic principles as taught by Bro. C. Freeman-El; and the sharing and courses of Master Atma Nambi, a teacher of universal principles with ashrams in India and Brazil.
James has a passion for learning and sharing various ways to experience a fulfilling life.
- Welcome 10-10:15am
- Introduction, Meditation, and Intention Setting 10:15-10:45am
- Discussion/Dharma talk 10:45 – 11:30am
- Q&A and sharing 11:30am-12pm
- Lunch 12-1pm
- Guided meditation 1-2pm
- Reflection and sharing, Q&A Journal 2-2:30pm
- Break 2:30-2:45pm
- Guided meditation 2:45-3:45pm
- Reflection and sharing, Q&A Journal 3:45 – 4:15pm
- Break 4:15-4:30pm
- Meditative activity 1 4:30 – 5pm
- Meditative activity 2 5-5:30pm
- Sharing and Closing 5:30-6pm
More Information
If you have questions or need additional information about this retreat or other Flowering Lotus program offerings, please contact:
Beth Herzig, Retreat Director
There will be an opportunity to make a dana* contribution in any amount, to Flowering Lotus and the teachers at the online event. Your generosity is a gift that supports not just the teacher; but also the Sangha (Flowering Lotus); the larger Dharma community; and, most importantly, your own practice.
*Dana is a Pali word that is generally translated “generosity.” We are taught to practice dana, or generosity, by making monetary offerings for the teachings. Dana is not payment for services rendered – it is given from the heart. Dana is the first theme in the Buddha’s system of gradual training and the first of the three grounds for meritorious action.
Scholarship James Brinson
$0.00Sale ended