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Blessed Trinity Shrine Retreat
107 Holy Trinity Rd Fort Mitchell, AL.
In-Person Retreat • June 20-23 2024

All recovery paths are welcome, whether Twelve Step, Recovery Dharma, Eight Step Recovery, substance, process, or relationship-oriented.
Join us for this unique meditation retreat combining traditional Buddhist practices with recovery and healing. Primarily conducted in silence, the retreat focuses on insight/mindfulness meditation, with additional interactive exercises, lectures, and meetings exploring ways that Buddhism and a recovery program can complement each other.
The emphasis will be on bringing mindfulness to all our activities, whether in formal meditation, movement, speaking, listening, or eating. Participants will practice Noble Silence outside of the interactive exercises and recovery-style meetings.
All are welcome to attend.
*Schedule detail will be posted soon.
Retreat Center Direction :
Retreat Pricing & Expected Support for Teachers
As part of the Buddhist tradition, the teachers of this retreat do not receive any of the retreat fees, apart from travel reimbursement. Their time and teachings are freely offered to the community of practitioners. As a practice of generosity from the heart, participants are invited to offer “dana” (donations-generosity) to the teachers at the end of the retreat. Thank you for your support.
These registration costs pay for your room and meals and some of the costs it takes Flowering Lotus Meditation to continue to host phenomenal meditation Buddhist teachers in the south. Some of the costs include, but are not limited to, teacher travel. insurance, web and marketing, staff and retreat center costs, deposits and rental fees, accounting, event management software, payment processing, etc.
By selecting the highest amount you can reasonably afford, you support our ability to meet the large number of requests we receive for financial aid.
Shared Room 3 nights of accommodations and 8 meals
Shared Room 3 nights of accommodations and 8 meals
Our teachers rely sole on the generosity of the students for their livelihood. Teachers receive no compensation for teaching at Flowering Lotus Meditation. Please plan to give generously to our teachers at the end of the retreat.
If you have questions or need additional information about this retreat or other Flowering Lotus program offerings, please contact
Beth Herzig, Executive Director
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