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The 12-Step Approach to Exploring Cultural Bias, Racism, & Otherism

Updated: Aug 17, 2020

Rev. Seiho Mudo Morris is an ordained Rinzai Zen Buddhist monk and 33-year recovering addict whose powerful teaching shines the bright light of the Twelve Steps in the direction of cultural bias, racism, and otherism.

On August 21-23, Rev. Seiho will be conducting an immersive workshop called The 12 Step Approach to Exploring Cultural Bias, Racism, & Otherism. This online weekend retreat is hosted by Flowering Lotus Meditation and co-sponsored by The Tattooed Buddha.

When he conducts Cultural Bias, Racism, and Otherism immersions and workshops, Rev. Seiho asks several Fourth Step inventory questions for participants to work with, including:

- How do I define racism?

- Is it possible that I define it in such a way as not to have to admit that there are instances where I've expressed racism?

- Reflecting, what are the societal privileges that I experience because of the particular racial group that I am in? Do I use those privileges? When and where?

- When is it that I've had the sense of being pushed around, dislodged or destabilized by racism? Where do I feel it in my body?

Breaking down cultural bias in ways that identify how we contribute to the problem is not comfortable, but it is empowering. It requires deep, thorough, self-reflecting work. Rev. Seiho walks participants through the process, step by step. Participants will also receive a copy of a 20-page instruction and practice guide developed by Rev. Seiho.

The 12 Step Approach to Exploring Cultural Bias, Racism, & Otherism is hosted by Flowering Lotus Meditation and co-sponsored by The Tattooed Buddha. Registration will be open until August 20. Please note, all times are Central Daylight Time.

Initial registration fees are on a sliding scale of $75 or less. No one will be turned away. There will also be an opportunity to give dana to Rev. Seiho at the event.

For more information about this and other upcoming online meditation retreats, visit Flowering Lotus Meditation.


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