with Timothy Charles Davis
One Day Online Retreat
Saturday, November 5th

About the Event
This is a workshop for those who’d like to write more, but don’t know where to start, or those who’d like to begin again. It’s for those whose self-censor won’t let them get past the first paragraph before sabotaging the whole affair. It’s for those who know they have a story within them but aren’t sure how to release it. Whether you’re looking to journal, write a family history, or maybe finally get that story idea down for posterity, this class may be for you. Through a mix of inventive writing techniques, journalistic precepts, and Dharma, we will endeavor to "cut to the quick" and surprise our brains (heart, soul) into giving up their mysteries. We will talk about narrative threads and how to see them (and break them, if need be), how to edit the parts of our stories that don’t serve us anymore, and the importance of seeing our story (indeed, any story) in context. How might we put our "selfing" themes to bed -- or at least, off to the side -- with a look towards the Bigger Story? Join us, and let’s write it out, together.
Teacher Bio
Timothy Charles Davis (AtīvaDātu) is an ordained Dharmacharya through Heartwood Refuge, a multi-lineage lay ordination program lead by Venerable Pannavati Bhikkhuni and Venerable Pannadipa Bhikkhu, and is a current member of the Zen Peacemakers Order ministerial program. He helped write The Southern Foodways Alliance Community Cookbook and released The Hot Chicken Cookbook: The Fiery History and Red-Hot Recipes of Nashville’s Beloved Bird in 2015. In its fifth printing, the book has been reviewed or otherwise mentioned in Time, The Washington Post, Southern Living, National Geographic, The New Yorker, Food Republic, and NPR’s Morning Edition. Davis’ partial publication credits include pieces for Southern Living,, Mother Jones, First We Feast, Saveur, Christian Science Monitor, Travel + Life, Harp, Gastronomica and Oxford American. He has taught English, Creative Writing, Literature and Journalism at Belmont University, Cumberland University, Volunteer State Community College, Nashville State, Lipscomb University, and Watkins College of Art, Design + Film.
What is keeping you from writing? 1hr 15 mins. How do we get outside ourselves to better see within ourselves? Being in “The Zone.” The 30-minute MFA. Looking at some proven solutions to writer’s block, and “content paralysis.” Sutta discussion.
Meditation, guided, 15 mins.
Break for snack/bio/brief writing prompt 30-40 mins.
Internal Journalism: 1hr 15 mins. How do we use the techniques of journalism to better uncover the story of ourselves; essay structures; prompts; freewriting; questions of tone and POV. Sutta discussion.
Meditation, guided, 15 mins.
Q&A/Resources to take with you 15 mins.
More Information
If you have questions or need additional information about this retreat or other Flowering Lotus program offerings, please contact:
Beth Herzig, Retreat Director
Ticket Prices
We ask that you support Flowering Lotus and those whose needs are greater by registering at the highest level ($75, $50, $25) with which you’re comfortable.
All are welcome to participate, regardless of ability to pay. If you are unable to pay the minimum $25 registration, select “Scholarship”, and no payment will be required.
There will be an opportunity to make a dana* contribution in any amount, to Flowering Lotus and the teachers at the online event. Your generosity is a gift that supports not just the teacher; but also the Sangha (Flowering Lotus); the larger Dharma community; and, most importantly, your own practice.
*Dana is a Pali word that is generally translated “generosity.” We are taught to practice dana, or generosity, by making monetary offerings for the teachings. Dana is not payment for services rendered – it is given from the heart. Dana is the first theme in the Buddha’s system of gradual training and the first of the three grounds for meritorious action.